Asking for Opinions in English: Common Expressions and How to Respond

Asking for Opinions in English

Asking for Opinions in English: Common Expressions and How to Respond


Asking for opinions is a crucial aspect of communication in English. Whether you’re seeking feedback, trying to make a decision, or simply curious about someone else’s perspective, knowing how to ask for opinions politely and effectively can improve your interactions. In this article, we will explore various expressions used to ask for opinions in English, provide examples of how to use them, and offer responses to these expressions. We will also include a practical dialogue to illustrate their use in daily life.

Common Expressions for Asking for Opinions

1. “What do you think about…?”

This is a straightforward way to ask for someone’s opinion on a specific topic.


  • You: What do you think about the new marketing strategy?
  • Response: I think it’s a great idea. It should attract more customers.

2. “How do you feel about…?”

Use this phrase to inquire about someone’s feelings or emotional response to something.


  • You: How do you feel about working from home?
  • Response: I feel that it’s very convenient and saves a lot of time.

3. “What’s your opinion on…?”

This is another direct way to ask for someone’s viewpoint.


  • You: What’s your opinion on the latest company policy changes?
  • Response: In my opinion, the changes are necessary for improving efficiency.

4. “Do you have any thoughts on…?”

This expression invites someone to share their ideas or perspectives.


  • You: Do you have any thoughts on our upcoming project?
  • Response: Yes, I think we should allocate more resources to the research phase.

5. “I’d like to hear your views on…?”

This is a polite way to ask someone to share their detailed opinions.


  • You: I’d like to hear your views on the new design proposal.
  • Response: I believe the new design is modern and user-friendly, but it might be costly to implement.

More on Responses to Requests for Opinions

When someone asks for your opinion, it’s important to respond thoughtfully and constructively. Here are some example responses:

1. Providing a Clear Opinion

  • Request: What do you think about the new software?
  • Response: I think the new software is very efficient and user-friendly.

2. Sharing Personal Feelings

  • Request: How do you feel about the new office layout?
  • Response: I feel that the new layout is more open and promotes better collaboration.

3. Offering Constructive Feedback

  • Request: What’s your opinion on the draft report?
  • Response: My opinion is that the report is well-written, but it could use more data to support the conclusions.

4. Expressing Agreement or Disagreement

  • Request: Do you have any thoughts on extending the deadline?
  • Response: I think extending the deadline is a good idea because it gives us more time to ensure quality.

5. Elaborating on Views

  • Request: I’d like to hear your views on the new training program.
  • Response: I believe the new training program is comprehensive and beneficial, though it might require additional resources to implement effectively.

Practical Dialogue

Here is a practical dialogue demonstrating the use of these expressions in a daily life scenario:


  • Alex: Hi, Jordan. What do you think about the new project manager?
  • Jordan: Hi, Alex. I think she seems very experienced and capable. How about you?
  • Alex: I agree. How do you feel about the changes she’s making?
  • Jordan: I feel that they are positive and much needed. What’s your opinion on the new project timeline?
  • Alex: In my opinion, the new timeline is realistic and gives us enough time to complete everything properly.
  • Jordan: Do you have any thoughts on how we should approach the initial phase?
  • Alex: Yes, I think we should focus on thorough research and planning. I’d like to hear your views on this.
  • Jordan: I believe that’s a solid approach. Research and planning will set a strong foundation for the project.


Asking for opinions in English is an essential skill for effective communication. By using expressions like “What do you think about…?” and “How do you feel about…?”, you can engage others in meaningful conversations and gather valuable insights. Remember to respond to requests for opinions thoughtfully and constructively to foster positive interactions. Practice these expressions in your daily conversations to become more comfortable and confident in asking for and giving opinions.

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